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Ezra Pound Love Poems

Ezra Weston Loomis Pound was one of the most influential figures in the early modernist poetry movement. He was a talented American poet and critic who significantly contributed to love poetry and translation. His most famous works include Hugh Selwyn Mauberley, The Cantos, and Ripostes.

In Ezra Pound`s love poetry one may notice the relation of nature and love, childhood and positive emotions. He uses lots of inversion in poems to focus reader’s attention on the comparison. His words are honest and sincere, although the metaphors and similes used are not that ordinary. The writer used interesting comparisons which haven’t been created before. This makes him unique in lyrics.

“Tree you are,

Moss you are,

You are violets with wind above them.

A child – so high – you are,

And all this is folly to the world.”

One more aspect of Pound’s lyrics is his ability to write short poems with intimate meaning. Such honest and frank lines confused readers but there was nothing to conceal because the human nature is build on passionate and intimate relationships when it comes to love.

“As cool as the pale wet leaves

of lily-of-the-valley

She lay beside me in the dawn.”

It is impossible to ignore the fact that Pound played an essential role in careers of some of the most prominent writers of the twentieth century. He not only assisted Eliot, Hemingway, Williams, Frost, Joyce, Lewis, and Conrad Aiken, but he was also a close friend with Margaret Anderson, George Oppen, Jacob Epstein, Basil Bunting, and E. E. Cummings.

Here is a list of Ezra Pound Love Poems